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Cheating in Python?

(Of course!)

Cheat sheets are the 80/20 principle applied to coding: learn 80% of the skills in 20% of the time.
This FREE Python Email course will kickstart your coding skills. Your benefits:
  • Get 5 high-resolution PDFs. Print them and post them to your office wall so you will know EVERY BASIC PYTHON operator by heart.
  • Discover the Python basics: Keywords, data structures, list comprehension, lambda functions, algorithms, tips and tricks, ...
  • Make learning easy and fast. I invested dozens of hours to optimize the cheat sheets for reading speed.
  • Learn secret Python tricks. Powerful one-liners and Python hacks.
  • Enjoy your coffee break Python. 30-day Python email course - one topic at-a-time.
Learning with cheat sheets is super simple. Consult them daily. Outsmart your peers.
Bonus: If you subscribe now, get our most successful cheat sheet immediately - which reached 46,000 people on Facebook with more than 1,000 likes.
    "Great. Vanilla Extract" – C. Gonzalez.
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   "As a fellow educator and fellow (former) Ph.D. student, I just wanted to let you know that I'm really impressed with your teaching materials. You're doing a really good job!" – Daniel Pu.

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